Worship and Music MinistryTeam
Scott Strovas, Ruling Elder

About Scott
Originally from Amarillo, Texas, Dr. Scott Strovas returned to the northwest Texas area after earning his Ph.D. in Musicology from Claremont Graduate University in 2012. He and his wife, Dr. Karen Beth Strovas (also a CGU graduate), teach at Wayland Baptist University in the School of Music and School of Languages and Literature respectively. They have two lively children, Sammy T. (5) and Sally Beth (2).
At Wayland, Dr. Strovas teaches classes in music history, music theory, American music, film music, and with Rev. Hawkins, jazz improvisation. As a scholar, he has published on a range of topics related to film and television music, jazz, and music theory and music history pedagogy. He also remains active on the trumpet and, again with Rev. Hawkins, co-directs the Plainview Civic Music Association Jazz Orchestra.
Dr. Strovas tries to relive the glory days all too often: his fledgling 160 bowling average offers little consolation in the wake of the reality that the height, skill, and energy deficit he faces
during Saturday-morning basketball pickup games with his students is unlikely to abate anytime soon. Still, he is a scrappy shortstop with a decent on-base percentage in the ongoing School of Music Faculty vs. Students Softball Series—a series in which the faculty are undefeated. As a Boy Scout, he earned the shotgun merit badge and put the skills acquired to good use years later by defeating a member of the NRA in a shooting competition. He once caught six bass in one day and wrestles interminably with the urge to eat pie, most any pie, at most any time of the day, every day. Did someone say pie?
Worship and Music
The Worship and Music Ministry Team is responsible for overseeing all worship services; ushering; music and choirs; welcoming visitors at worship services through greeters; arrangements for baptisms, weddings and funerals; the order of worship; pulpit supply in the pastor's absence; the organist and choir director; and arranging for sanctuary flowers, banners, and seasonal decorations.