Clerk of Session

Dee was raised in the Southern Baptist tradition and came to the Presbyterian Church in 1983. Ordained as a Ruling Elder, she has served numerous terms on Session and has been a member of every ministry team except Fellowship and Property/Grounds. She is in her second year as Clerk of Session. Dee is also active at the presbytery level, currently moderating Nominations & Representative Ministry as well as the Celebration Scholarship Board. She has completed her education requirements to be a Commissioned Lay Pastor within Palo Duro Presbytery.
Following five years as office manager of Hale Center EMS, Dee works on an "as needed" basis at the Hale Center Senior Citizens and in June 2019 began publishing an online newspaper, The Hale Center News, which is only available on Facebook but hopefully there will be a webpage very soon. She is single, with three adult children: Crystal, and husband Vinnie, of Beijing, China; Angie of Plainview and Michael of Ruidoso. She also has two adult grandchildren: Lizzie of Austin and Travis of Plainview. She enjoys gathering with friends for a good game of 42 or "Hand and Foot".
The responsibilities of the clerk are to "record the transactions of the council, keep its rolls of membership and attendance, maintain any required registers, preserve its records, and furnish extracts from them when required by another council of the church," as well as to, "serve as secretary for all the meetings of the congregation. If the clerk of session is unable to serve, the congregation shall elect a secretary for that meeting.” Please note that the congregation elects the secretary for that congregational meeting. The clerk does not appoint someone nor does the session or the moderator. The congregation has to elect the secretary when the clerk is not able to be present. (from from the Book of Order)