New Website!
Updated: Jul 29, 2019
As many of you know, we've been updating our online presence, with increased traffic on facebook, and now, after a significant amount of blood, sweat, and tears (OK, mostly tears), we have completely revamped our website. I invite you to visit the website, and check out some of its features, notably: an online directory that is password protected for your privacy; a calendar of events; announcements and happenings, online focus newsletters, sermons, Dave's Doodles, ministries and ministry teams, and much more. (session members, remember to send me your bios. If I don't get them here pretty soon, I'll just write them up myself, and you may be surprised at some of your accomplishments and life experiences!) The link to the website is here, and it needs to be exactly this link. The new website is new enough that search engines are still figuring out where it is. The old website still exists for now, soon I will take it down completely.
Please let me know if you see any mistakes, or if internal links on the website don'w work, or if you have ideas for more content or resources. Be gentle! I'm no pro at this,
Here are the instructions for accessing the Online Directoy: go to the website, scroll down to find an orange button marked, "Online Directory", clik on it, and it will ask you to sign in or sign up. To sign up, you need to enter the email that you gave to Karen for the directory (Please call Karen if you can't remember). It will then prompt you for a password, please pick something you can remmber, we will not be able to see your password. Once that is done, you should be able to browse the directory. The directory is still being updated, so don't worry too much about little mistakes. If you have any ideas about how information should be organized, please let us know. Please be aware that the online directory is its own program, and that there are limiitations on how much we can do with it.
Please take some time to visit the website and facebook. It would be a shame to do all this, and then watch it collect dust in the dark corners of the inter-tubes.